Exiled Ink E- Magazine
Exiled Ink E-Magazine
Issue 7
This issue of Exiled Ink magazine speaks to the loss, tragedy and senselessness of so much violence and endless wars. From wars that go under-reported, like that of Sudan and South Sudan, the forgotten conflicts in Iraq and Syria and the suffering of the Rohingya from Myanmar, to the more widely reported wars in Ukraine and Gaza, one thing echoes through these pages – a longing for peace and a hope for a better future. Here we feature the diverse work of the exiled writers themselves who will not be silenced. Plus, read an interview with Maia Elsner and a range of book reviews. There is art by exiled visual artists too.
Exiled Ink E-Magazine
Issue 6
This exciting issue not only draws attention to the hidden conflicts of the Democratic Republic of Congo and of Yemen through the voices of exiled writers but also focuses on poetry of protest, memory held by lands, Antakya, oppressed writers, the narrative of exile in Britain and reviews of events and books.
Exiled Ink E-Magazine
Issue 5
A magazine rich in words and images by refugee and migrant writers.
This issue contains moving poetry by Ukrainian poet Yuliya Musakovska, words for Iran by ten diverse exiled Iranian and non-Iranian poets and Afghan voices one year on. Read the interview and book reviews of the latest work by exiled writers and more!
Click here for a pdf version of the magazine >
Exiled Ink E-Magazine
Issue 4
This fourth issue of the Exiled Ink e-magazine focuses on Afghan Voices. Existence in Exile – Book Reviews (download the magazine here)
This is a spotlight on the Exiled Writers Ink Agit Lit Café which was a powerful evening in partnership with Amnesty International. It focuses on four human rights activists and poets: Ahmed Mansoor (UAE), Ashraf Fayadh (Saudi Arabia), Galal El-Behairy (Egypt) and Nedim Türfent (Turkey).
Exiled Ink E-Magazine
Issue 3
This third issue of the Exiled Ink e-magazine focuses on the theme of resistance. A timely topic, as it feels as if we are living in a time where we are faced with so much to oppose, to stand against and to rise above. (download the magazine here)
Exiled Ink E-Magazine
Issue 2
This is the second issue of Exiled Ink e-magazine and its focus is on borders in all its diverse manifestations. To escape or move from the country of origin to the UK invariably involves an act of not only crossing physical borders but also cultural, imaginative and language borders. (download the magazine here)
Exiled Ink E-Magazine
Issue 1
Many of you will remember Exiled Ink print magazine which can still be viewed on our website – the first magazine dedicated to the work of refugee and immigrant writers. Now we are resuscitating Exiled Ink magazine but this time in electronic form. Exiled Writers Ink welcome you with pleasure to our first issue of Exiled Ink e-magazine (click here for the -magazine or download the magazine here)
Exiled Ink Magazine Archive
Innovative magazine reflecting exciting, different voices in a new cultural environment.
Literature, discussion, commentary. The magazine is unique in providing an insight into dislocation and cultures of exile, both through the voices of exiled writers and through their literary work.
Exiled Writers Ink has published 14 issues of Exiled Ink magazine which are available to order.
You can see the contents of issues 4 to 14 below.
Order Exiled Ink magazine
£4 plus £1 postage and packing
Contact exiledwritersink@gmail.com