Project Description

Hastie Salih


Hastie Salih is originally from the Kurdish region in Northern Iraq and spent her childhood in Wales and Germany. She has published short stories and poems in Germany and Britain. Hastie worked as a journalist for the magazine “ Kurdistan Heute” ( Kurdistan Today ) in Bonn, Germany. At present Hastie works as a G.P in London . She is currently writing her first novel and is a member of Exiled inc.

Poem in the Anthology “The Silver Throat of the Moon” edited by Jennifer Langer

Whoever thought liberty was dead?
It’s just mountains ahead!

Watch the silver-streaked streams
Bouncing freely through fertile fields so bright,
Awakening dreams
Of Liberty, of Life.

Inhale the dew of the meadows
Inhale the sunlight

Whoever thought liberty was dead?
It’s just mountains ahead!

Ravaged rivers may be tainted with blood
Watch them wriggle through the tiniest crevice of sun-
baked mud!
They say they see contorted bodies
In a sea of despair
But even these defy
The piercing sun’s glare.

Whoever thought liberty was dead?
It’s just mountains ahead!

As jagged mountains emerge
Sliding shadows are cast
Upon sleeping sheep, ready to graze
Kissed gently
By the sky’s boundless rays.

Of all the battles in the past
Of all the passages through time and place
Of all the trials of our human race
Freedom has always been achieved
Humanity eventually retrieved

Whoever thought liberty was dead?
It’s just mountains ahead!