

Refugee Week 2023

By |July 3rd, 2023|Categories: Events|

The theme of this year’s Refugee Week was compassion. Compassion is sorely needed at a time when the UK Government has created an increasingly difficult situation for asylum seekers and refugees through its recent Nationality and Borders Act and is now intent on passing the Illegal Immigration Bill which will further erode human rights protection [...]

Exiled Writers Ink at the American Ambassador’s House

By |November 3rd, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

On October 26 Exiled Writers Ink was invited to join other poetry organisations in welcoming the American Youth Poet Laureate, Kara Jackson. Seven other organisations were invited, including Barbican Youth Poets, Apples & Snakes, Poetic Unity and Battersea Arts Centre. The Ambassador, Jane Hartley, welcomed the guests and spoke about her commitment to diversity in [...]

Reading at the Iraqi Cultural Café

By |November 3rd, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

by Catherine Davidson On October 28, EWI poetry cooperative member Dr. Anba Jawi and EWI board member Catherine Davidson were invited to host an evening highlighting their translation of witness poems from the 2019 uprising, Utopians of Tahrir Square. Students from the Regent’s University acting department came to read the poems in English. The English [...]

Exiled Writers Ink Speaks Out at Rally

By |November 1st, 2022|Categories: Events|

By Jennifer Langer As the Exiled Writers Ink contingent neared the Royal Courts of Justice in London, the sounds of chanting and drumming reached us and then, arriving at the rally outside the Courts, we each picked up a banner and we too protested in solidarity:  Say it loud, say it clear Refugees are welcome [...]


By |June 20th, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

Members of Exiled Writers Ink, we are refugee and migrant writers who fled from our countries of origin because of oppression, persecution, war, imprisonment, torture and deprivation of freedom of speech. We are angry about the Government’s cruel plan to dump asylum seekers in Rwanda. Many of us were traumatised because of our experiences and [...]

Words And Worlds: Transformation And Creation

By |April 21st, 2022|Categories: Uncategorized|

In March 2022, Exiled Writers Ink organised an exciting event hosted by Pen to Print: 'Women Writing Resistance through Poetry'  This article is by © Madeleine White, 2022 as originally published for write on A couple of nights ago, my 24-year-old daughter was sitting in a nightclub I’d frequented in the eighties, canoodling [...]


Exiled Writers Ink Calls for a Ceasefire

Exiled Writers Ink calls for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. We urgently demand the protection of civilians, an end to the siege and the release of all remaining hostages. Peace must prevail.

We are a literary, human rights-supporting, international organisation, many of whose members have fled state-sponsored violence, genocide, civil war, racism, social injustice and discrimination. We watch with grave concern as the ongoing atrocities that began on October 7 and crashed like a wave through the population of Gaza, spreads its dark cloud over our streets here in the UK, giving rise to increasing levels of Islamophobia and anti-Semitism.

Writers and poets do have the power of the pen which is why they are so often targeted. We believe in the ability of shared stories to shape a better future. We call on individuals and organisations to join us in building an Anti-Racism Collective, to increase empathy across all borders and to honour our shared humanity.

Pen to Print interviews Chair Rouhi Shafii, 2023

Refugee Radio has featured these writers from Exiled Writers Ink

We are delighted to announce that Exiled Writers Ink

is on the Publishers Award’s Shortlist for the

2021 Michael Marks Awards for Poetry Pamphlets.

Judges’ Comments “Over the past few years, the publishing arm of London’s Exiled Writers Ink writing group has consistently issued pamphlets featuring poets of the highest quality drawn from all parts of the world, including Cyprus, Sierra Leone, Syria, Algeria and Afghanistan, supporting the urgent work of deracinated writers, migrants and refugees. Their mentorship scheme, pairing emerging poets with established tutors and editors makes for a list that brims with verve and vivacity.” click here >

The Guardian

Exiled Writers Ink letter to The Guardian (9.7.2021) against Priti Patel’s new proposals for dealing with refugees. Read more >

Letter in the Guardian about Ilhan Comak and our February 2020 Exiled Lit Cafe.
Read more >

The Times

Call for Afghan actors, writers, and filmmakers to be given safe passage. Index on Censorship Letter to The Times (11.9.2021) signed by some Exiled Writers Ink people. Click here >

Exiled Writers Ink signs letter: Afghanistan – Cultural organisations urge UK government to act


Press Review about Resistance book. Read more >

Resistance anthology, press release >

Review of Resistance anthology and the 2021 chapbooks . Read review >

Hampstead and Highgate Express. Includes interviews with poets, Amir Darwish and Consuelo Rivera-Fuentes. Read review >

Exiled Writers Ink Black Lives Matter Statement. Read more >


Illegal Immigration Bill – click here to read >



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