Collaborative Poem created 5.3.2018: Uncensored Women’s Words
An evening focusing on the diverse oppressions against women and their resistance to them.

Tonight basement poets dream pirates
Send their rivers down into your oceans
Mothers, sisters, our common grave, a bed of seeds
Let their roots grow strong
Give birth to new hope
The mistakes of the past will not be repeated
The mother, the oracle, the soother of bitterness
She suffered for freedom
Freeness, lightness of spirit
Wind in the branches of this forest
We imagine carrying us on
Into puddles, oceans, our own
Sub-membrane bodies know so well
We take trees
Sail them across oceans
The creak of bows
Heart like those of the womb
Carrying more than ourselves.
Passing time together in wished for silence
With understanding
It’s not words
Feel the wind now. Taking all away.
I hear voices, can’t recognise them
I hear voices,
Ah…it is a bird
At the window
Siento tu dolor, siento tu espiritu
hermana siria, afgana universal
El calor de tu luche quema mi resistencia
y enciende la esperanza
We are all of us one
We are everything
And everything is inside us
No matter setbacks
There is always hope for better
If we love each other if we are together.
She walks in two worlds simultaneously
In the first she is emerging
In the second trying to smile
But her mouth is crooked
By the sadness of her first world
She is a refugee.
