Project Description

Ellie Danak

Ellie Danak

Ellie Danak lives and writes in Edinburgh and she has a degree in Swedish Language and Literature Studies. She has lived in Scotland for 10 years and since she went back to writing poetry she has enjoyed publication in the Emma Press Homesickness and Exile and Campaign in Poetry and Paper Swans Press The Darker Side of Love anthologies. Additionally, her work has appeared on the Ink, Sweat and Tears,Black & BLUE, the Poetry School Campus, Nutshells and Nuggets websites as well as in a number of other poetry magazines and e-zines.

When she is not writing poems she occasionally blogs here:


For the mothers left behind with their backs curved

over new moons of boiled potatoes

and white plates laid out in the usual place.

For their sons queuing at the rusting gates;

the unfamiliar rain strips them of their names

and sweeps crumbs off the road home.

For their daughters’ piercing songs

rolling of their tongues, their stories blanched

and another word gone.

For their men crossing

another day off with cheap lager and porn;

an arrhythmic light bulb blows.

For those who wait. A close up of a child’s hand;

fingerprints pouring on the screen.